The Best Business Strategies from 16 Guest Expert Navigators All in One Place:

AI in Business - Ethical & Responsible Use
Using AI to Get Inside Your Audience's Mind
Building a Traiblazer Brand
Launch Strategies to Scale Your Business
Stress-Free Business with Email Marketing
Mindset in Business So You Can Overcome Anything
Storytelling in Your Business to Connect with Your Audience
And More...


The online business landscape is changing and in order to navigate it, you're invited to explore what's working now in an interactive summit to the top.

AI, mindset in business, branding, storytelling in your business, sales, lead magnets, launching and more.

But this is not your ordinary summit. This is an interactive expedition.

What You'll Discover on Your Expedition

Collect Artifacts, Win Prizes

Don't just watch videos - engage and learn

Dig deeper with our unique artifact hunt and puzzle challenges that not only make learning fun but also make the experience memorable.

Cultivate a Powerful Business Mindset

Discover transformative strategies to develop a resilient, growth-oriented mindset.

Learn how to the launch strategies that work now, email marketing, mindset to overcome challenges, embrace innovation, and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving business landscape.

Practical, Actionable Insights

Walk away with practical tools, strategies, and insights that you can immediately apply to your business

Each session with your Expert Navigators is designed to provide actionable knowledge to help you grow and scale effectively.

Meet Your Expert Navigators in Your Expedition

Hi. I'm Terry Sobon, Your Expedition Guide.

I'm a Creative AI Business Strategist and I'll be here to help you navigate 2024 with innovative ways to grow your business by using AI as your partner.

Strategizing with scroll-stopping visual branding with AI and blazing trails with stand-out launches and AI-driven data are my passions and are why people call me the AI Queen.

I've gathered leaders in business to help you navigate the future of your business.

Des Dobreva

The Branding Queen

Building a Trailblazer Brand in 2024 without Compromising Your Values

Bob Doyle

AI Explorer & Enthusiast

The Ethical Frontier: AI, Creativity and Responsibility

Brenda Adelman

Speaker, Actor, Author & Coach

Use Your Story to Change the World

Daren Danks

Self-Doubt Coach

Mindset in Business: Breaking Through the Doubts and Imposter Syndrome

Candice Davies

Social Conversion Expert

Profitable Profiles: Creating Social Content that Converts

Devorah Spilman

InStory Coach

The Power of Your Soul and Your Story in Your Business

Gail Starr

AI Strategist

How to Create Authentic AI-Powered Content

Hannah Walker

Sales Mentor & Coach

What is Your Sales Love Language?

Jen Conley

ADHD Coach

Get Your Ideas Out of Your Head and Into an Offer You Feel Good About

Kabrina Ashley

Positioning Expert

The Art of Data Storytelling: Bridging the Gap Between Numbers & Impact

Katya McEwan

Creative Design Maven

Turn Your Existing Content into an Irresistible Printable Lead Magnet

Kira McCoy

Artist, Educator, Author

Developing New Income Streams from Your Current Offers and Products

Sarah Griffiths

Speaker, Author, Mentor

Mindset in Business: How Every Obstacle is an Opportunity

Stasja Petrova

Email Marketing Strategist

Stress-Free Business with Email Marketing

Sushmita Jain

Launch Strategist

Launch Strategies that Work

Valerie Zumwalt

AI Marketing Strategist

Get Inside Your Clients' Mind with AI

Hi, My Name is Terry...

I'm a Creative AI Strategist for Entrepreneurs and Brand Navigator who happens to be certified in health, wellness and as a life coach with a background in the tech industry.

But mostly, a conversation with a 12-year-old changed my life back in the 90s.

The first time I got online, I knew it would become my livelihood, and because this kid already knew how to write HTML and was trying to teach me to do it, I made up my mind to learn everything I could.

I've always been an entrepreneur, have always been an early adopter of all the things, and this time we're in right now feels like 1994 to me.

This is the time to let AI do the hard work and make it a partner in your business.

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